Three Ways a Professional Organizer Can Help With Your Move

Establish systems for moving and storing possessions. 

A professional organizer can assist in setting up systems for sorting through your possessions. This may include letting go of unwanted items and organizing what is left to make storage and unpacking less stressful.

A PO can help prioritize areas to be sorted and packed, ensuring every room is handled as efficiently as possible. A PO may help you talk through decisions on possessions you may no longer need based on your current values and needs.

Track possessions.

 A PO may assist in making lists of possessions by category as well as location, particularly if items have been placed into storage. This might include lists of possessions placed into storage, room-by-room lists, or any relevant categories. Detailed lists reduce the chance of misplaced objects during a move and cut down on time looking for items in the new home.

Provide emotional support.

A PO can help ease feelings of stress when a move becomes overwhelming. This may include reminding you to take breaks when needed, breaking work into manageable chunks, and offering encouraging words when needed.

Other, more complicated emotions may arise as possessions are sorted through and a chapter of life ends. Feelings of excitement may be mixed with grief of letting go of your home, particularly when sorting possessions of loved ones who are no longer living or children who are now adults. A PO understands the attachments we form to our belongings and can help work through these emotions and make decisions based on your goals.

Decluttering for Depression Relief


With the weight of depression heavy on your shoulders, something as simple as decluttering your living space could be the key to finding relief.  Taking small steps to declutter can make a big difference in managing your depression and improving your overall mental health.


One important aspect to consider when tackling clutter in your living space is the impact it can have on your mental health. The clutter-depression connection is a real phenomenon that can increase feelings of overwhelm and contribute to a sense of chaos in your mind. By understanding how clutter affects your mood and energy levels, you can begin to see the importance of decluttering for your overall well-being.


Another significant benefit of decluttering for mental health is the sense of accomplishment and control it can bring. When you take the time to sort through your possessions and create a more organized environment, you are not only clearing physical space but also creating mental space. This can lead to a feeling of empowerment and a greater sense of agency over your surroundings, which can be especially beneficial when dealing with symptoms of depression.


A clutter-free space can have a calming effect on your mind and help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. When your living environment is tidy and well-organized, it can create a sense of peace and tranquility that can positively impact your overall mood. By creating a serene and harmonious space, you are setting the stage for a more positive and balanced mental state.


By recognizing the benefits of decluttering for mental health, you can take the first step towards actively improving your well-being. A clearer mind and a more organized living space can help manage feelings of depression and create a more supportive environment for your mental health.

5 Ways to Reclaim Your Space After a Breakup

While experiencing a breakup is never easy, dealing with the constant reminders of your ex in your living space can make the healing process even more challenging. Your home should be a place of comfort and peace, not a constant reminder of the past. Here are some practical ways to reclaim your space after a breakup and create an environment that fosters self-love and empowerment. From decluttering and creating a vision board to redecorating with fresh energy and practicing self-care, these tips will help you take the first step towards healing and moving forward.,

Declutter Your Space

Decluttering your space after a breakup is not just about getting rid of physical items, but also about creating space for emotional healing and growth. You may find your ex has left behind possessions or your home is full of things that remind you of your time together. Your home may have been decorated to suit your partner’s tastes, or your preferences in decorating may have changed over time. Now is a good time to remember that your space is your own and should be filled with things you love. Things which no longer resonate with you for whatever reason can and should be removed from your space.

Create a Vision Board

One powerful way to reclaim your space and set new intentions for your future is by creating a vision board. By visually representing your goals and dreams, you can shift your focus from the past to the possibilities that lie ahead. This creative exercise can help you clarify your desires and motivate you to take action towards achieving them. Once you have your vision board completed, you will have a clear visual reminder of what you are working towards, which can help keep you inspired and focused on the positive changes you want to make in your life.

Redecorate with Fresh Energy

Redecorating with fresh energy can breathe new life into your surroundings and create a space that reflects your current mindset and aspirations. By incorporating elements that resonate with your vision and personal goals, you can infuse your environment with positive energy and inspiration. This intentional approach to redecorating can transform your space into a sanctuary that supports your journey towards growth and healing. As you infuse your surroundings with fresh energy, you can begin to create a space that fosters your own healing.

Personalize Your Environment

As you infuse your surroundings with fresh energy, you can begin to personalize your environment to align with your new chapter in life. Choose items which are pleasing to your senses and bring you joy. Your environment is yours alone and should be full of things you love.

Practice Self-Care Daily

This personalized environment sets the stage for practicing self-care daily, nurturing yourself in a space that reflects your renewed sense of purpose and well-being. Making time for self-care rituals, such as meditation, journaling, or enjoying a cup of tea in your newly refreshed space, can help you reconnect with yourself and prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. Taking small moments each day to care for yourself within this supportive environment will not only aid in your healing process but also empower you to move forward with confidence and resilience. By incorporating self-care into your daily routine within this rejuvenated space, you can cultivate a sense of inner peace and self-love as you embrace this new chapter in your life journey.,


It's important to remember that the process of reclaiming your space after a breakup is not just about changing your physical surroundings, but also about shifting your mindset. Allow yourself to let go of any negative emotions and replace them with positivity and self-compassion. As you go through each step, remember to be gentle with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way. By creating a space that reflects your current journey of self-discovery, you are taking a powerful step towards healing and creating a brighter future for yourself.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Packing Up Your Parent's Home to Sell

Packing up your parent's home to sell can be a daunting task, filled with sentimental memories and practical challenges. As you navigate this emotional journey, it's crucial to avoid common pitfalls that can add unnecessary stress to an already difficult process. Here are five mistakes to avoid when packing up your parent's home. Learning to navigate these potential roadblocks will ensure a smoother transition and preserve cherished memories along the way.

Overlooking important documents

From birth certificates and wills to property deeds and insurance policies, these essential papers need to be carefully organized and kept in a secure place throughout the process. Proactively locating and safeguarding these documents will avoid potential setbacks and ensure a smoother sale of the property.

Rushing through the process

Rushing through the process can lead to overlooking crucial documents and details, so it is important to take the time to methodically go through each room and sort through all paperwork before proceeding further. By giving yourself enough time to carefully pack up your parent's home, you can ensure that all important documents are accounted for and safely stored. 

Not seeking professional help when needed

Not seeking professional help when needed could lead to added stress and potential mistakes during the process of packing up your parent's home. If you find yourself struggling with certain aspects or feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to reach out to professionals who can provide guidance and support. Ignoring the need for professional assistance may result in overlooking important details or making decision errors that could impact the selling process down the line. It is okay to ask for help when needed to ensure a smoother transition for both you and your parent as you prepare to sell the home.

Ignoring sentimental items

Ignoring sentimental items is a common mistake when packing up your parent's home to sell. It's understandable to feel overwhelmed with the task at hand and want to focus solely on the practical aspects of decluttering and preparing the house for sale. However, overlooking sentimental items such as family heirlooms, photographs, or personal possessions can lead to regrets in the future. These items hold emotional value for your parent and may also hold significance for you and other family members. Taking the time to properly sort through and preserve these sentimental items can help maintain the emotional connection to the home and create a more positive selling experience overall.

Not involving your parent in the decision-making process

Not involving your parent in the decision-making process can further complicate the situation. Your parent's home holds a lifetime of memories and emotions, and they deserve to have a say in what happens to their belongings. Including your parents in the process will ensure that their wishes are respected and foster a sense of control over this significant life transition. This collaboration can also strengthen your relationship with your parent and make the experience more meaningful and respectful. Ultimately, involving your parent in the decision-making process can lead to a smoother and more positive outcome for everyone involved.

Navigating the emotional process of packing up your parent's home to sell can be a daunting task, but avoiding common mistakes will help make the transition smoother. Remember to organize important documents, take your time, seek professional help when needed, cherish sentimental items, and involve your parent in the decision-making process. By prioritizing communication, seeking guidance, and preserving memories, you can make the process more manageable and less stressful. As you embark on this journey, keep in mind that every item tells a story and every memory holds value. Take the time to honor the past while embracing the future.